Richard Convery

My Blog

What is Romance?

Romance, it stirs my heart a flutter, to race, to thump within,

to giddy and to tremble, to cause my heart to spin.


It’s a slippery thing that won’t define yet somehow has to be,

our song, our tune, our hopes that fill every tiny part of me.


It’s real, then just as quick it’s not, it turns me inside out.

I love the buzz though it frightens like the fastest ride, the wildest leap.


Here I am twirling in the eddy and won’t ever imagine not.

What it does I can’t contain but do I try?

I know that answer.

It’s the drug, the incomparable rush, ever consuming, ecstasy, joy.

Can I sleep inside its web? Alas, but how I dream!

Awesome, gorgeous, treasure, thrill, that view from mountain’s top.


Hand in your hand, locked in your embrace, lost in your eyes, the world around now evaporated for a moment, or perhaps a lifetime. Please.


Romance, love, friendship, pledge, those tongues forever different yet they all might often speak.


I love to live within its grip, I squirm, I giggle and smile way deep

I melt at your first sight, I strain to steal your last,

I see your face in every crowd, I hear your voice when others speak.


And you are always there, right there, locked in the only place.

Each knock at the door is you, each phone call must be yours.

Can it be? Will it last? I pray and strive and wait, to keep this thrill as old.

We both want it, yes, we do. We do, we do, we do. We feast upon our fruit, our delicious desire and we marvel as we gush, we lose the hours, the days, the years and own the joy as ours.


It’s a slippery thing that won’t define yet somehow has to be, the song, the tune, the hopes that fill every tiny part of me.  


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